
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
by Christopher McDougall
Not just an absolutely engaging and fascinating look inside the world of ultra-running – which this book is – “Born to Run” tells the story of a cast of unique and often fringe characters who live in the extremes only to pursue their running, the Tarahumara Indians who are arguably the greatest runners in the world, and the philosophies and conventions that divide modern day running theorists. The author not only entertains us through his storytelling, but forces us to rethink the very basic concepts around running, our perceived limitations and the potential perils brought on by today’s shoe companies.
Ultramarathon Man:
Confessions of an All-Night Runner
by Dean Karnazes
A very easy and entertaining read, “Ultramarathon Man” is a book of extreme life transformation. Literally in one act of running, the author describes how he left his previous life behind and embarked on a journey to discover who he could be and what he could accomplish in a new one. The author has written several books on running, mostly describing his unimaginable feats, yet this first book is the most relatable, the most engaging and the one that provides the greatest amount of inspiration.

Complete Triathlon Guide
by USA Triathlon
For more experienced athletes, this book offers specific, usable advice beginning on page 1 and continuing throughout the book. There are lots of perspectives presented, different coaching tips, specific advice and reference material that can be used to put together a comprehensive training plan for those that have caught the triathlon bug!
Swim Workouts for Triathletes: Practical Workouts to Build Speed, Strength, and Endurance
by Gale Bernhardt & Nick Hansen

Into Thick Air: Biking to the Bellybutton of Six Continents
by Jim Malusa
Educational, exciting, entertaining, and easy to read, “Into Thick Air” is a great book. It’s an exhilarating expedition into the world of extreme travel. Escape with the author. A weekend read and worth the effort.
Pre: The Story of America’s Greatest Running Legend, Steve Prefontaine
by Tom Jordan
In ability and accomplishment, in presence and personality, Steve Prefontaine may have been the most quietly influential runner in American history. Had he lived long enough to realize his full potential, who knows what he might have accomplished? But, Steve Prefontaine died a tragic death in a one car accident at age 24 and the world would never know his true potential. This well-written book examines the life of a legend. It’s a must read for anybody looking for inspiration.

Run Faster from the 5K to the Marathon: How to Be Your Own Best Coach
by Matt Fitzgerald
Matt Fitzgerald has written many helpful books and guides on running, triathlon, diet – all related to maximizing fitness, living a full, vibrant and active lifestyle, and learning about all aspects of running, multi-sport and healthy living. He is a coach, athlete and author who never loses touch with the simple idea that anybody reading his books can be an athlete, regardless of pedigree, history or circumstance. This book is one of his finest.
These magazines provide great content. They address all of the facets that would interest an athlete, whether a weekend warrior or a hardcore enthusiast. Each has a robust website filled with articles, helpful advice, wide-ranging recommendations and multiple sources of inspiration and motivation.
- Active is one of the best sources for relevant articles, great tips on a variety of subjects, race registration services, gear ratings, and so much more.
- CoolRunning is a great online source for training tips, nutrition advice, race reports and gear reviews. It is a complete runner’s guide.
- SlowTwitch is a triathlete-driven website. It offers news, gear and tech reviews, race calendars, forums, training tips, and more.
- Triathlete is a great source of information on all things triathlon related: training and training plans, gear and technology, nutrition, race strategy, etc.
- 32 popular diets are reviewed by doctors from across the country in this comprehensive and informative article. GO »
- A great article about the basics of nutritional habits for active people. GO »
- A very informative article that discusses 15 foods that runners need every week for good health and top performance. GO »
- The Runner’s Diet–a great article that provides basic and useful information about nutritional practices for active people. GO »
- This site has multiple articles that are simple to follow, are updated regularly, and provide useful information on all aspects of dieting, nutrition, hydration, etc. GO »